Fabric of Folklore
Fabric of Folklore
Episode 30: Folklore of Plants: Uncovering the Spooky Secrets of Portals to Other Worlds with Nina

Did you know there is a spooky side to plants? Nina Veteto is a long time forager, explorer, plant lover and artist who lives in the stunning Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. She explores and forages special places, explains the folklore of plants, and inspires her followers to learn more about the botany of the natural world through her work and engaging storytelling. In episode 30 we entered into the eerie folklore of botany while exploring plants that are considered to be portals to other worlds. Among others we discuss the Amanita, the prima dona of the mushroom world, and its connection to Alice and Wonderland, Christmas and Vikings. Don’t miss this spooky plant episode! https://www.instagram.com/blueridgebotanic/ https://msha.ke/blueridgebotanic https://www.mushroomrevival.com/blogs/podcast/fantastic-fungi-the-magic-beneath-us-with-louie-schwartzberg?utm_source=Google+Ads&utm_medium=Paid+Search&utm_campaign=GG_AB_PMax_No-feed&utm_term=&gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwhL6pBhDjARIsAGx8D58RvJqc-kG4VRL0bCg3Ib3zHawUWRaT3LO-jSCwKmhY-Zo702YQA6QaAjqfEALw_wcB https://suzannesimard.com/finding-the-mother-tree-book/ https://www.amazon.com/Telltale-Lilac-Other-Virginia-Ghost/dp/0813101360