Fabric of Folklore
Fabric of Folklore
Episode 29: Ghost Stories Throughout Time, and Around the World with Dr. Tok Thomspon

What ghost story has haunted you since you heard it? This spooky show with Tok Thompson, professor at University of Southern California, is part of our Halloween/ October series- all about ghosts and ghost stories and why they haunt us. Dr. Thompson teaches folklore and mythology, including a course called Ghost Stories: Throughout Time and Around the World. In this episode we discuss how ghosts have played a large role in storytelling around the world, appearing as central characters in much of folklore, literature, and popular culture. We delve into how ghost stories invite discussions of the soul, and the afterlife, and appear in different forms in various cultures throughout time and around the world. This episode will haunt you if you miss it! 

Posthuman Folklore Book

Truth of Myth Book

Taiwan Ghost Festival

USC Digital Folklore Archive

René Descartes Mind Body Distinction