Fabric of Folklore
Fabric of Folklore
Ep 22 All About Folktales in Therapy and Connecting with Ancestors

Have you ever heard of folklore being used in therapy sessions? In episode 22, Ben Stimpson, a therapist, lecturer, student, and spiritual director uses a new effective therapeutic practice that combines storytelling, and personal narrative to get at the heart of clients’ challenges. He walks us through how it works and why it’s effective. We also discuss his new book “Ancestral Whispers: A Guide to Developing Ancestral Veneration Practices” which deals with creating practices to connect with our ancestors. We discuss different rituals, the process of exploration of belief and how these practices can be applied for folks of different faiths backgrounds.



Ancestral Whispers: A Guide to Developing Ancestral Veneration Practices


Virtual Folktale Meditation

The Legend of the Bluebonnet https://fabricoffolklore.com/?s=legend+of+the+bluebonnet

The Hero Within by Dr. Carol Pearson

Women Who Run With Wolves book

How Gods Become Real