Fabric of Folklore
Fabric of Folklore
Ep 15 Norma Elia Cantu

Norma Elia Cantu- Lost Matachines

There are very few sacred dances shared by both Hispanics and Native Americans, but Los Matachines is one of them. This dance-drama is performed across multiple continents and has been an ongoing tradition for centuries. In this episode, Dr. Norma Elia Cantu, a folklorist and distinguished professor of Humanities in Modern Languages and Literature at Trinity University speaks to us about the history and drastically different variations of this ancient carnivalesque catholic folk dance and how it is so much more than just a dance. It is a prayer, a play, a comedy, a concert, and a sacred tradition that glues the community together.

Chicana Traditions: Continuity and Change, book.

NEA video

All of Norma’s books